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How to change or reset erichost client area login password ?

Hay there 

Today, I am going to tell you some methods to change or reset your erichost client area login password. If you ever forget your password, or for some reason you want to change your password, then you can change your password by following the given methods.

Via Erichost Login page 

Follow the steps given below to change the erichost client area login password via erichost login page. 

Step 01. Go to the erichost login page.

Step 02. Click on “forget password ”

Step 03. Now enter the email which is registered on Erichost, and then click on submit.

How to change or reset erichost client area login password ?

Step 04. If the email address you entered matches an existing account , then you will get a “password reset link” on that email. Please check  spam and the inbox folder of that email.

Step 05. Click on “Reset your password”.

How to change or reset erichost client area login password ?

Step 06. Now enter your desired new password and re-enter the password to confirm it and then click on “Save changes”

How to change or reset erichost client area login password ?

Step 07. Now your Erichost client area login password has been reset also you will get a confirmation mail at your registred email.

How to change or reset erichost client area login password ?

Via erichost client area

Follow the steps given below to change the erichost client area login password via erichost Client area.

Step 01. Visit and log in at erichost

Step 02. Hover over your username, then click “Change Password”

Step 03. First enter your existing password then enter your desired new password and re-enter the password to confirm it and then click on “Save changes”

Step 04. Your Password has been reset successfully. 

Also read : How to change or reset cPanel Password ?